Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

spc code (spc buat inject cdma 8830 sprint)

buat yang mau nyari spc code (spc buat inject cdma 8830 sprint)
ane lagi ngacak2 data di kompie , eh nemu TUTORIAL beginian,smoga bermanfaat (ane jg ga tau sumbernya dan ane belom praktekin)

persiapan :
1. pastikan pake OS 4.2 (kalo pake OS 4.5 gak bisa)
2. siapin mental

buat yang mau cek SPC/MSL di BB 8830 Sprint berikut metodenya.pastikan pakai win XP sp2/sp3 kalau pakai vista jalanin compability mode. Software yang dibutuhkan :
1. Desktop Manager (very recomended cari di web BB)
2. uniCDMA 1.095 (cari di4*, kalo dianggap virus cari versi lain , sama aja)
3. WinHex 15.2 (cari di dl*
4. QXDM 2.08 (optional kalau mau buka lock NAM dan merubah SPC secara temporer krn setting bisa berubah ke asal kalau di wipe)

Setelah semuanya ada dan terinstall :
1. cek COM Port di device manager dilihat port berapakah RIM Virtual Serial Portnya (punya saya di COM 3 dan COM 4)

2. jalankan DM sampai connect dengan BB kemudian minimize (jangan di matikan)

3. jalankan uniCDMA 1.095 kemudian di pilihan mode pilih "Qualcomm" trus buka tab setup di COM setting pilih port RIM Virtual Serial Port yang paling rendah dulu (saya di COM 3) kemudian balik ke tab Main. Klik "Read all" kalau masih ga bisa ubah COM nya ke yang lebih tinggi (kasus saya COM 4). Apabila beruntung SPC/MSL akan muncul di kotak "Security code"

4. Kalau di security code muncul "unknown" (kasus saya begini), klik >"HF-DM" kemudian langsung menuju tab memory di situ ada utility untuk read memory. Utk starting address isikan 0x10630000 dengan lenght, bytes : 1703936 kemudian klik Read and save to file (saya save ke 8830.bin)

5. setelah selesai save file jalankan winhex dan buka file yang di save dari uniCDMA tadi kemudian pilih Specialist >-- gather text

6. di jendela yang muncul masukkan angka "6" pada kolom Recognize text by "..." successive, centang "numbers" yg lain hilangkan kemudian klik OK

7. Setelah klik OK akan keluar pilihan untuk save klik OK, ketika keluar pilihan kapasitas masukkan saja 100 MB selanjutnya klik OK. Nanti di layar winhex akan keluar 6 digit angka coba ketikkan angke tsb ke BB dengan format ##****** (6 digit angka yang tadi)

I've updated my guide, enjoy, larger ranges (takes a few more seconds to read, but higher success rate):

1) Install QXDM (2.08 Release Recommended)

2) Install Blackberry Desktop Manager (Should create two RIM Virtual Ports on PC)

3) Run Blackberry Desktop Manager the entire time (Device should show connected)

4) Using UniCDMA read MSL/SPC from the following:

Blackberry 8130 Pearl
Address: 0x106C0000 Length: 1703936
Address: 0x10130000 Length: 500000

Blackberry 8330 Curve
Address: 0x10700000 Length: 1703936

Blackberry 8703e
Address: 0x10050000 Length: 1703936

Blackberry 8800
Address: 0x10630000 Length: 1703936

Blackberry 8830 WE
Address: 0x10600000 Length: 500000

5) With WinHex (or equivalent HEX Editor) search for 6-digit code in the memory dump by using the GATHER TEXT feature in the SPECIALIST menu. Use this tool to filter out unnecessary characters. I recommend setting the GATHER TEXT feature to 6 succession, only numbers and have Unicode characters tolerated.

6) Once you obtain the SPC/MSL, exit UniCDMA and run QXDM.

7) Configure QPST (globe in system tray) and QXDM to the correct ports, phone must show detected.

8) Using QXDM (ensure VIEW is set to COMMAND OUTPUT) type the following commands:

a) mode offline-d
Turns radio off and sets to service mode. Check phone radio is off.

b) spc "******"
Replace asteriks with the 6 digit code. Output should read successful.

c) pr_list_wr 0 "C:\prl_1039.prl"
If needed change file path to location of PRL. Output should read successful.

d) nv_write sec_code {"000000"}
Optional: use this command to change code to zeros or another 6 digits.

e) mode reset
Reboots phone to reset mode.

9) Finally, through the phone type #4357* (#HELP*) to verify the PRL write.

##6digitMSL and SEND to start NAM Programming

NOTE: If PRL reverts (SPRINT), use QXDM command to read and disable NAM_LOCK:
a) nv_read nam_lock (should read enabled, which we'll change in the next command)
b) nv_write nam_lock 0 0 (disables)

Then proceed with UniPST and the RIM DLL to edit the registration ID (and List) to "2004"

note: i only ask that no one claims anything. by the way, reg id help goes credit to another member, i forgot his name, but you know who you are.

catatan:::bb nya harus udah unlcok yah....tanda nya kalo pencet ##000000 dial
udah bisa masuk ke spc edit

idah nya berbagi

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Quote Originally Posted by El nino View Post
Mantab nih..lanjut master


el nino
siap om lagi cari cara remote ssb neh klo udah bisa saya share

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clinik BB
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WinHex 15.2 sr-10

UniCDMA 1.095

QXDM 2.08

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1 komentar:

  1. mantap gan btw untuk bb type lain ga di share jg caranya? apakah sama caranya?
