Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

BlackBerry Messenger 6.2

Welcome to the BlackBerry Messenger 6.2 Beta Program!


Thank you for joining the BlackBerry Messenger 6.2 Beta Program!

What's New in BlackBerry Messenger 6.2?
Based on your feedback, we've added some new features to BBM!

Animated display pictures
More animated display pictures are now built into BBM. Change your picture to suit your mood.

Change your name or message inline

You can quickly change your name or status message without leaving your contact list by clicking the text at the top of the screen. To exit inline editing, just scroll down. You can still access your profile screen by clicking your display picture.

Streamlined voice notes

When your convenience key set to open BlackBerry Messenger, if you highlight a contact in BBM and press the convenience key, you can start recording a voice note. Once you're done, pressing the convenience key again will send the voice note.

BlackBerry Tag enhancements
Adding contacts has never been easier. If your BlackBerry smartphone supports NFC technology, you can turn on the Allow Automatic Invitations by Tapping option. Then, as long as you or someone else has BBM open, you can add each other as contacts by aligning the backs of your smartphones.
This feature requires that you both have the latest version of BBM installed on smartphones that support NFC technology.

Improved search

When typing the name of a contact or group, the search ignores special characters and emoticons to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

Resend a message 
If a message didn't send (for example, if your smartphone was outside of a wireless coverage area), you can highlight the message and select Resend from the menu.

BBM Beta Team

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

blackberry gemini 8520 batre silang (X)

tadi sore saya dapat kasus blackberry gemini 8520 batre silang (X)
saya coba ambil langah awal pengecekan standart melihat kondisi hp masih mulus tanpa ada korosi lalu saya coba ganti batre masih sama aja ganti konektor batrai sama juga lalu saya coba bongkar kaleng untuk mengecek jalur tegangan Btemp sama jalur bsi padahal otak udah mumet karna dah dari pagi diantre .....lalu saya berkonsultasi sama sang master BB kokoh leo untuk langkah selanjutnya saya coba mengukur tegangan seperti panduan kokoh leo lalu al hasil ada 1 tegangan yang hilang ya itu tegangan pada jalur BSI ke R lalu saya coba jumper n hasilnya 100% tanda silang tadi hilang .


solusi loading 5% blackberry kepler 9300

alhamdulillah dapet solusi baru neh mau di bagiin biar bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan jika dapat kasus seperti ini

awal nya masuk BB blackberry 9300 aka gemini kepler loading 5% restart
udah di obok obok para technisi di tempat saya ( tempat servis lain ) yg mengasilkan banyak prediksi kerusakan dari ic power , ic flash ,wb lah ,pa lah ,sampe ada yg bilang jokus ..... alhasil smua pada nyerah tapi aneh ya kenapa itu bb seperti belum di jamah cuma seperti bekas cucian tiner

coba langkah awal cek ps ....normal
coba di FOS complete tapi
coba di under dos masih sama
coba pake dm cuma sampe conecting jvm selalu retry

lalu raba raba board ternyata ada panas tapi dikit hampir tidak terasa pada U 901
lalu saya eksekusi tuh ic pertama goyang ga mempan reball ga mempan ganti pake bangke baru deh ada tanda kehidupan tapi hp loading 25% tapi langsung muncul eror 523 feling berhasil karna sama seperti kasus 8520 stak 75% lalu full flash pale loader no jvm alhasil ..... cair problem solved